Active for Life challenge

CNS employees rise to fitness challenge

  • Posted: Wednesday, August 24, 2016, 11:00 pm

This spring, more than 750 Consolidated Nuclear Security, LLC employees participated in the Active for Life℠ challenge, an 8‑week program, sponsored by the American Cancer Society®, that encouraged employees to be more mindful of healthy behaviors on a daily basis. Participants formed 57 teams, each led by a team captain who helped provide motivation and reminders to log points on the program’s website.

Education on Aisle Nine

  • Posted: Tuesday, June 23, 2015, 11:00 pm

Food education

Grocery shopping. Some people carefully plan a weekly menu and painstakingly make a list in an attempt to stick to their budget. Others dread the task so much they just show up at the store hungry, throw items in the cart and go home hoping to make a meal of their basket full of random purchases.

Regardless of which category they fit in, several Pantexans recently turned this mundane weekly task into a fun educational event.