Emergency response

Pantex to conduct emergency exercise

  • Posted: Wednesday, February 3, 2021, 12:28 pm

Pantex Plant’s Emergency Management Department will conduct an emergency exercise on February 10. During this exercise, people in the vicinity of Pantex may observe emergency personnel simulating response activities as part of the exercise.

Emergency exercises test the ability of emergency personnel to respond quickly and effectively to emergency situations, and ensure the public, Pantex employees and the environment would be protected in the event of an actual emergency.

Pantex to Conduct Emergency Management Exercise

  • Posted: Tuesday, January 16, 2018, 10:32 am

Amarillo, Texas—Emergency response personnel from the National Nuclear Security Administration and Consolidated Nuclear Security (CNS), will conduct an emergency management exercise January 17th at the Pantex Plant.

During this exercise, between 8:00 a.m. and noon people in the vicinity of the Pantex Plant may observe response personnel simulating response activities as part of the exercise.

Pantex supports emergency needs during train derailment

  • Posted: Wednesday, August 31, 2016, 11:00 pm

Brenda Vermillion, Carson County Emergency Management coordinator, said she first thought the June 28 head‑on collision between two BNSF trains was an incredibly loud test shot at the Pantex Plant, but she quickly realized the noise was located at the edge of Panhandle, Texas. “I immediately ran outside the building, and could see the cars toppling and then the explosion,” she said.

Pantex response vehicles