Educational Outreach
Many of our educational outreach activities focus on increasing awareness of and excitement in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics-related activities and applied manufacturing programs. Consolidated Nuclear Security, LLC funds these activities through two avenues: corporate giving and our employee-driven Community Investment Fund. CNS engagement, corporate contributions, and employee volunteerism led to significant advances in schools’ robotics' programs, and career awareness in science, technology, engineering, and manufacturing industries.
This video titled “Day in the Life of a Production Technician” was shared with AmTech Career Academy and Canyon ISD Career Academy as the first in a series. The purpose is to educate students about what a Pantex Production Technician does and enable them to visualize what it’s like to work at Pantex.
Introduce a Girl to Engineering

Science Bowl
Pantex Regional Science Bowl is a competition like no other and students in and around the Texas Panhandle have been competing for top honors for almost 30 years.
Window on a Wider World
Pantexans present science excitement and education during the Window on a Wider World (WOWW) science collaborative.
Amarillo College Kids College
Pantexans lend their expertise teaching a summer camp for students attending Amarillo College Kids College.
Amarillo Area Center for Advanced Learning
Amarillo Area Center for Advanced Learning (AACAL) shows off robot to curious Pantexans during Eweek.
Step Up to Success
Pantex has participated the Step Up to Success conference, hosted by Los Barrios de Amarillo for more than 20 years.
Career Fairs
Career Fairs are a great way for Pantexans to interact and inform students about the wide variety of jobs that Pantex offers.