For information about operations or general questions about the Pantex Plant, please contact the Pantex Communications Department (email is preferred).
Steve Myers
Mobile 806.215.0996
Office 806.573.6032
Ashlee Estlack
Mobile 806.662.4687
Office 806.573.3918
Inquiries related to federal activities or plant oversight should be directed to the National Nuclear Security Administration Pantex Field Office. Questions about the Nuclear Weapons Complex, national nuclear weapons policy considerations or administration decisions should be directed to NNSA Public Affairs.
VNR B61-12 Last Production Unit
VNR Proud to be Safe
VNR - Yield to Emergency Vehicles
VNR - Intern Expo
VNR - Living in Amarillo, Working at Pantex
VNR - Modernization
VNR - Science Bowl
VNR - Pantex Reaches Milestone with W88 Alt 370
VNR - In Situ Bioremediation
(2: 32)
VNR - Vaccinations at Pantex (2: 50)
Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic (3:45)
VNR - Lightning Detection System (2: 50)
VNR - Wind Farm (4:25)
VNR - Pantex's White Train (3: 00)
VNR - Memorandum of Understanding (2:45)
VNR - Environmental Stewardship (2: 51)
VNR - Recycling (2:03)
VNR - Fire Chaplain (1:38)
VNR - LiveWise (2:18)
VNR - Christmas Project (3:34)
VNR - Service Dog (3:04)
VNR - Pantex Road Work (2:18)
VNR - Electrical Outages (1:52)