Pantex Run Against Hunger Rescheduled

  • Posted: Tuesday, December 10, 2013, 11:00 pm

Pantexans to run/bike 65 miles to raise awareness

---- Note: Last week’s weather postponed the run. It has been rescheduled for Friday, Dec. 13 ----

Pantexans again will be hitting the road Friday in an effort to raise awareness about hunger in the Texas Panhandle in the third annual Pantex Run Against Hunger. This year the route will be even longer, running from White Deer to Amarillo for a 65-mile trip.

Byron Logan and Randy Stokes, officers in the Safeguards & Security Division at Pantex, will again embark on a long-distance trek through parts of the Panhandle, ending at the High Plains Food Bank, 815 Ross Street, Amarillo.

Starting in White Deer, the pair will bike on Highway 60 through Panhandle and over to Highland Park Schools, where they will begin an approximately 20-mile run to the Food Bank. Other Pantexans are expected to join them along the route, some during the bike ride and others during the run. They will be followed by a Bearcat, which is an armored vehicle used by Security Police Officers at Pantex.

“Randy and I wanted to do something to help people in our community who are struggling,” Logan said. “We run long distances, and we wanted to use that skill to raise awareness about hunger in our area.”

The runners’ progress will be posted on

The Run Against Hunger began in 2011 with a 30-mile run from Pantex to the Food Bank’s food drive at United Market Street. Last year the pair added a 40-mile bike ride, visiting with students at Panhandle and Highland Park schools.

The food bank is continuing to accept donations of food and cash. The food bank can take a donation of $5 and stretch it into $50 of food. The top needs this year are green beans, canned soups, canned mixed vegetables, bagged rice and sweet peas.

Any media outlet wishing to cover this effort is welcome to film along the route of the run. They plan to begin the running portion at approximately noon running west on U.S. Highway 60, south on Lakeside Drive and west on the Interstate 40 access road into Amarillo and to the Food Bank. They expect to arrive at the Food Bank at approximately 3 p.m., where they will be available for interviews. For updates on where the run is along the route, please contact Laura Bailey at 223-8211.


B&W Pantex manages and operates the Pantex Plant near Amarillo, Texas, for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration. B&W Pantex is also the proud recipient of the DOE’s Voluntary Protection Program Superior STAR status for safety excellence. The company was also named one of America’s safest companies by Occupational Hazards magazine and has received numerous awards from the National Safety Council.

Greg Cunningham
Public Affairs
Office (806) 477-5140
Pager (806) 345-1560