Texas protégé business resurfacing Pantex roads

  • Posted: Thursday, August 8, 2019, 7:53 am

AMARILLO, Texas – A major maintenance and repair project has just begun at Pantex, with road construction that will focus on resurfacing almost 19 miles of roads at Pantex, along with 29,000 square feet of parking lots.

Work will take place across almost every area at the plant. An average of 25 semi-trucks loads a day will carry 58,000 tons of road materials over the course of the project.

Besides the scale of the project, what makes this project unique is the use of the Pantex Mentor-Protégé program, the first of its kind at Pantex for CNS, which operates the plant for The Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration. The program seeks to foster long-term business relationships between small, disadvantaged business entities and DOE prime contractors, and to increase the overall number of small businesses that receive DOE prime and subcontracts.

SAMES (Saul and Samuel Maldonado Engineering and Surveying) out of McAllen, with more than 300 federal projects already completed, will support the Pantex mission by providing surveying and engineering expertise, and in turn, CNS will offer guidance on business management and development.

Michelle Reichert, CNS chief operating officer said, “We value small businesses; partnering with them is essential for us to accomplish our important mission for the nation. I’m excited to see how this relationship will further our infrastructure revitalization efforts.”

“This agreement is mutually beneficial,” said Ryan Johnston, who manages the CNS small business program at Pantex. “SAMES will provide the unique surveying and engineering expertise we need, while gaining the skills necessary to compete for larger DOE subcontracts.”

When possible, resurfacing of the roads and parking lots will take place during the weekend to reduce disruptions for employees. The project is expected to be finished in October of this year.

Road construction that will focus on resurfacing almost 19 miles of roads at Pantex
SAMES will support the Pantex mission by providing surveying and engineering expertise
SAMES will support the Pantex mission by providing surveying and engineering expertise
Road construction that will focus on resurfacing almost 19 miles of roads at Pantex


Consolidated Nuclear Security, LLC (CNS) operates the Pantex Plant, located in Amarillo, Texas, and the Y-12 National Security Complex, located in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, under a single contract for the U.S. National Nuclear Security Administration. Pantex and Y-12 are key facilities in the U.S. Nuclear Security Enterprise, and CNS performs its work with a focus on the absolute priorities of safety, security, quality, mission delivery and cost efficiency.

For more information on each site, visit www.pantex.energy.gov or www.y12.doe.gov. Follow Pantex on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn. Follow Y-12 on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.


Steve Myers
Office (806) 573.6032