Pantex, Y-12 teams recognized by NNSA Defense Programs

  • Posted: Monday, June 27, 2022, 3:31 pm

Oak Ridge, Tenn.—Ten Consolidated Nuclear Security project teams, representing hundreds of employees and National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Production Office staff, were recognized by NNSA for their work in 2020, supporting the national security missions at the Pantex Plant and the Y-12 National Security Complex.

In a ceremony at Pantex, NNSA Assistant Deputy Administrator for Stockpile Management John Evans commended the winning teams for achieving excellence in 2020 during a pandemic that continues to pose challenges.

“Without your expertise and dedication and devotion to your jobs, we could not do what we do,” said Evans. “Your hard work during a pandemic is nothing short of amazing, and all of us thank you for your diligence.”

Teams excelled at delivering the mission

CNS President and Chief Executive Officer Bill Tindal also congratulated the winners, both at Pantex and Y-12. “The accomplishments being recognized were not achieved for their own purpose, but a higher one: delivering on our mission,” Tindal said.

“Our people do extraordinary work in support of the mission. Adapt and Deliver doesn’t mean finding a creative work around. It means facing into our challenges and finding solutions, and we are proud to recognize your demonstrated excellence,” Tindal added.

Each site received five awards, with both receiving a Defense Programs Award for their support of the mission during the pandemic.

Pantex projects include materials management, implementing new electrical testing

The four other Pantex projects honored included the following:

Pantex Quality Operations developed a risk-based process for Managing Nonconforming Materials. The policy requires materials identified in a nonconforming material report to be controlled until the nonconforming condition is resolved by the Production and Design Agencies.

A team made significant progress and improvements for LLM-105 Particle Size Modification Operations in support of the W80-4 Life Extension Program. LLM-105 is a new explosive material that requires full development of manufacturing and testing processes to adequately produce and analyze material for use.

A cross-functional Production Stores Technology Advancement team developed and implemented a safe multi-functional storage system that increased space utilization, eased part/component retrieval, and reduced safety risks.

The W88 Joint Test Assembly 2 Refresh (JTA2R) Recovery team successfully implemented the first use of alternate, replacement electrical testing that was required due to the Production Tester 3565, Pre-Set Fuse Tester becoming obsolete. The magnitude of losing the last copy of the PT3565 in December of 2019 required tremendous recovery efforts because it performed four bench-level tests and one full-up reentry body test that no single production tester could accomplish.

Y-12 projects support UPF, weapons systems

At Y-12, these four additional projects were recognized:

Development personnel successfully conducted the first Vacuum Arc Re-melting of Depleted Uranium at Y-12 in more than a decade in support of binary restart activities for future Directed Stockpile Work needs.

A team tackled the Holden Gas Furnace Exhaust Modifications Project that had been tabled for years. Through planning and implementation, the team minimized production downtime while completing the project and successfully reducing risk.

Microwave Casting Activities achieved significant milestones that continue to reduce operational and technological risks in support of the new Uranium Processing Facility and the next weapon system.

Personnel completed a great deal of work in support of a Significant Finding Investigation opened by Los Alamos National Laboratory. The investigation related to aging anomalies of canned subassembly during the previous year.


Consolidated Nuclear Security, LLC operates the Pantex Plant, located in Amarillo, Texas, and the Y-12 National Security Complex, located in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, under a single contract for the U.S. National Nuclear Security Administration. CNS member companies include Bechtel National, Inc.; Leidos, Inc.; ATK Launch Systems, Inc.; and SOC LLC. Pantex and Y-12 are key facilities in the U.S. Nuclear Security Enterprise, and CNS performs its work with a focus on performance excellence and the imperatives of safety, security, zero defects and delivery as promised.

For more information on each site, visit or Follow Pantex on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn. Follow Y-12 on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Steve Myers
Office (806) 573.6032
Cell (806) 236.2826