NNSA Release: NNSA Sandia Field Office Manager Jeff Harrell retires after over 40 years of federal service

  • Posted: Monday, August 9, 2021, 9:33 am

After four decades of federal service, NNSA Sandia Field Office (SFO) Manager Jeff Harrell retired July 31. During the week prior to his retirement, he celebrated his extensive career at a picnic held in his honor with the SFO employees who have been like an extended family.

SFO serves as the federal oversight for Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico, as well as its secondary site in Livermore, California, and other locations including the Kauai Test Facility in Hawaii; the Tonopah Test Range in Nevada; and activities in Carlsbad, New Mexico; Amarillo, Texas; and Minneapolis. As manager, Harrell was responsible for the overall administration of the management and operating contract and the operations of Sandia as well as the day-to-day administration of the SFO. He was also responsible for the stewardship of the NNSA Albuquerque Complex.

Read the full press release on the NNSA website.