CNS Pantex announces third round of employee-directed community grants

  • Posted: Tuesday, August 1, 2017, 11:00 pm

AMARILLO, Texas – Twenty nonprofits in the Texas Panhandle are better able to expand or continue their missions thanks to grants from Consolidated Nuclear Security’s (CNS) Pantex Community Investment Fund, administered by the Amarillo Area Foundation.

CNS, which manages the Pantex Plant for the U.S. National Nuclear Security Administration, announced the recipients in its third round of charitable giving with funds totaling $175,000. The advisory committee gave priority to proposals from organizations located and operating in the 12 contiguous counties surrounding the Pantex Plant, which includes Armstrong, Carson, Deaf Smith, Donley, Gray, Hall, Hutchinson, Moore, Oldham, Potter, Randall and Swisher. Applications for next year will be due in early 2018 through the Amarillo Area Foundation.

“We are very proud to continue our employees’ legacy of giving by contributing to Panhandle area organizations through the CNS Community Investment Fund, “ said Pantex Site Manager Todd Ailes. “Pantex has always been committed to improving and supporting our surrounding communities.”

The company announced the latest round of availability in March as part of its commitment to Amarillo and the surrounding areas. A Pantex Community Investment Advisory Committee of CNS employees reviewed proposals from area non-profit organizations. After evaluations were made, the committee recommended grant awards to CNS management and the Amarillo Area Foundation.

With this year’s grants, CNS has donated $471,000 to area non-profit organizations since 2015 through the Amarillo Area Foundation.

“Our relationship with the Amarillo Area Foundation has enabled our employees to engage in the grant process in such an effective way,” said Jason Bohne, CNS Communications and Public Affairs director. “As a company, we’re happy to partner with community organizations for the betterment of Amarillo and the Texas Panhandle—where our employees work, live, and give.”

The advisory committee selected grantee organizations based on the following funding preferences and priorities: Basic Needs, Child and Family Development, Education, Community Development, Financial Literacy, and Health and Wellness.

Organizations and the funds they will receive are as follows:

Amount Recipient Name Purpose
$5,000 A World For Children
Purchase items for foster care children above what the state funding provides
$10,000 Buckner Children and Family Services
Support the Bruce Ford Transition Center's Fostering Youth independence (FYI) program
$10,000 Don Harrington Discovery Center
Purchase a portable planetarium system
$10,000 Dumas Area Crisis Pregnancy Center (Dumas)
Construct a building for Care Net Pregnancy Resource Center of Dumas
$3,600 Epilepsy Foundation West Texas
Support 2017 Camp Neuron for children with Epilepsy
$7,500 Faith City Inc.
Support the Homeless Outreach program
$10,000 Hope & Healing Place
Support the remodel of the Heal the City Clinic building
$4,400 Junior Achievement of the Chisolm Trail
Support Junior Achievement of the High Plains programming
$10,000 Lions Eye Bank District 2-T1
Support the Lions Eye Bank District 2-T1 sight conservation program
$10,000 Make a Child Smile
Support the 2017 Eveline Rivers Christmas Project
$10,000 Make-A-Wish Foundation, Texas Plains Region
Fund wishes for clients in the top 26 counties of the Texas Panhandle
$10,000 Panhandle Children's Foundation (Dumas)
Upgrade the Electric Grid at Talon Point
$10,000 Panhandle-Plains Historical Society
Support the Pathways to Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum project
$10,000 Ronald McDonald House Charities of Amarillo
Replace dust ruffles, coverlets, and blankets on the beds
$7,500 Safe Place, Inc. (Dumas)
Support Family Assistance costs
$10,000 Sharing Hope Ministry
Support program costs for the Lucille and Leo Caiafa, Jr. Center for Advancement
$10,000 The Downtown Women's Center, Inc.
Support the Haven House renovation
$10,000 Tralee Crisis Center for Women (Pampa)
Support the Safe Shelter project
$7,000 Turn Center
Support the counseling program

Steve Myers
Public Affairs
Office (806) 477-6032