Pantex High School Science Bowl Set for Saturday

  • Posted: Tuesday, February 12, 2013, 11:00 pm

Teams from as far away as Lubbock, Higgins to compete for regional title

The stakes will be higher and the questions even tougher Saturday as the high school round of the annual B&W Pantex Science Bowl competition kicks off.

More than 150 students will converge on West Texas A&M University (WTAMU) for the competition, where 32 teams from schools across the Texas Panhandle and High Plains will go head-to-head in a competition that will thoroughly test their knowledge of math and science.

“February is such an exciting time of year for us,” said Debra Halliday, Science Bowl coordinator. “It’s very gratifying to be able to encourage a love of math and science in so many of these amazing students.”

Around 150 Pantex employees and community volunteers will be on hand to help run the Science Bowl. The competition features teams of four students answering science and math questions in a Jeopardy-style round-robin format, followed by a double elimination tournament after lunch. The winner of Saturday’s event will be eligible to travel to Washington in April to compete with scores of other teams from across the U.S. for the national title. Last year, Amarillo High School won the regional competition and tested their knowledge in Washington D.C.

Media is invited to attend the Science Bowl from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday on the fourth floor of the Classroom Center at WTAMU Media will be able to film or photograph the competition, and interviews with contestants will be available. The official Twitter Hashtag for the event will be #PXSB
In addition to bragging rights and a shot at the national title, the winning team will earn $1,000 for its school’s science program, with $500 and $250 going to the second and third place schools.

This year, the Education Credit Union has joined the U.S. Department of Energy, Pantex and WTAMU in sponsoring the event.

The high school round is the second phase of the Science Bowl competition. A team from Dumas Junior High School won the middle school competition February 9.

Schools participating in this year’s Pantex High School Science Bowl are:

  • Amarillo Area Center for Advanced Learning
  • Amarillo High School
  • Bovina High School
  • Canyon High School
  • Caprock High School
  • Clarendon High School
  • Coronado High School (Lubbock)
  • Friona High School
  • Higgins ISD
  • Highland Park High School
  • Holy Cross Catholic Academy
  • Lazbuddie High School
  • Lubbock High School
  • Nazareth High School
  • New Home ISD
  • Palo Duro High School
  • Panhandle High School
  • Randall High School
  • River Road High School
  • Tascosa High School
  • West Texas High School (Stinnett)


Greg Cunningham
Public Affairs
Office (806) 477-5140
Pager (806) 345-1560