Pantex Wins Prestigious SBA Award

  • Posted: Thursday, April 19, 2012, 11:00 pm

Friday event set to announce award

For the second year in a row, B&W Pantex has been selected as the recipient of a prestigious national award from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). The SBA selected Pantex as the winner of the 2012 Frances Perkins Vanguard Award in recognition of its work with womenowned small businesses.

Last year, Pantex won the Dwight D. Eisenhower Award for excellence in utilization of small businesses.

“To be honored two years in a row by the SBA is a tremendous accomplishment,” said B&W Pantex General Manager John Woolery. “These awards help to reinforce our conviction that we are acting in the best interests of the local and U.S. economy through our subcontracting efforts with small businesses.”

The Perkins award was created in 1963 and is named after Frances Perkins, the U.S. Secretary of Labor under President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Secretary Perkins made history by being named the first woman appointed to head a U.S. Cabinet post.

B&W Pantex consistently exceeds goals for direction of contracting work to businesses owned by disadvantaged groups. In FY 2011, Pantex spent $19,897,945 with women-owned small business, a total of 17.8 percent of the $112 million in subcontracting dollars spent that year. This nearly doubled the performance goal of 9 percent.

Greg Cunningham
Public Affairs
Office (806) 477-5140
Pager (806) 345-1560