Pantex, N.J. university partner to bolster talent pipeline

  • Posted: Wednesday, October 4, 2023, 9:24 am

TEMU Thomas Phillips (front row, from left) and Pantex Deputy Site Manager Kenny Steward sign a memorandum of understanding
Thomas Edison State University representative Thomas Phillips (front row, from left) and Pantex Deputy Site Manager Kenny Steward sign a memorandum of understanding that offers Pantex employees deferred tuition and a reduced tuition rate for the school’s online programs. Looking on are (back row, from left) Pantex employee Justin Fox, Carlos Alvorado of the National Nuclear Safety Administration Production Office and Pantex employee Shelbi Gray.

AMARILLO, Texas – Pantex recently welcomed representatives from Thomas Edison State University to sign a memorandum of understanding that could significantly reduce out-of-pocket expenses for employees pursuing online degrees from the Trenton, N.J., school.

“As we achieve new and innovative ways to increase the knowledge and skills of our employees, we commensurately increase our performance at the Pantex Plant,” said Pantex Site Manager Colby Yeary. “This partnership represents an across-the-board win for our employees, the site and TESU.”

The agreement signed Aug. 30 at the site’s John C. Drummond Center provides employees at both Pantex and its Consolidated Nuclear Security sister site, Y-12 National Security Complex in Oak Ridge, Tenn., with a corporate tuition rate, lets them defer payment for classes at TESU, and in some cases provides academic credit for time spent on the job. Employees can combine this new opportunity with the existing CNS tuition-reimbursement program to significantly lower their out-of-pocket expenses and the time required to obtain a degree or certification.

“Partnerships such as this one are a testament to our commitment to providing accessible and affordable education to those who seek it,” said Thomas Edison President Merodie A. Hancock, Ph.D. “We are excited to be a part of this initiative and look forward to empowering Pantex and Y-12 employees on their educational journey."

Pantex recruiter Zuleyma Carruba-Rogel said the agreement holds potential to increase Pantex employees’ skills and upward mobility.

“This strategic partnership with TESU is poised to help Pantex build internal pathways for critical skills and hard-to-fill positions. TESU offers competitive degrees in nuclear engineering, homeland security and emergency management that can result in upskilling opportunities and open new career pathways for Pantexans,” she said.

The exciting new opportunity was the idea of Justin Fox, a manager at Pantex, as a way to retain and grow one of his promising employees — and potentially many more.

“The hope is that we incentivize people to go back to school,” Fox explained. “With the corporate tuition rate, deferred tuition costs and flexibility with classes, it overcomes many of the hurdles our staff face in going back to school. That was the premise to help my employees.”

Fox engaged others at Pantex and officials at TESU. He hoped a dialogue with the University would open pathways not just for his employee, but others at Pantex and Y-12.


Consolidated Nuclear Security, LLC operates the Pantex Plant, located in Amarillo, Texas, and the Y-12 National Security Complex, located in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, for the U.S. National Nuclear Security Administration. Bechtel National, Inc. is the lead member of CNS; minority members include Leidos, Inc.; ATK Launch Systems, LLC; and SOC LLC. Pantex and Y-12 are key facilities in the U.S. Nuclear Security Enterprise, and CNS performs its work with a focus on performance excellence and the imperatives of safety, security, zero defects, and delivery as promised.

For more information on each site, visit or Follow Pantex on Facebook, X or LinkedIn. Follow Y-12 on Facebook, X, and LinkedIn.

Thomas Edison State University, like all higher education institutions, continuously updates and enhances degree requirements to meet the ever-changing needs of students and the workforce. For this reason, only TESU staff is authorized to advise students on what CNS employees’ courses satisfy specific TESU degree requirements. Students should only seek advice about transferring credit to TESU from TESU advisors. To be advised by TESU, students should apply to TESU, select a degree program, and speak to a TESU advisor.

Steve Myers
Office (806) 573.6032
Cell (806) 236.2826