Pantex Makes Donation to United Way

  • Posted: Wednesday, January 6, 2016, 11:00 pm

$75,000 check presented for 2015 Campaign

AMARILLO, Texas - Consolidated Nuclear Security, the management and operations contractor at the Pantex Plant, recently presented a $75,000 donation to the United Way of Amarillo and Canyon at the United Way Offices.

Pantex employees have been longtime and active supporters of United Way, with donations from Pantexans going to meet the needs of our community and making a positive impact on the lives of the people in the Texas Panhandle.

“Pantexans have always shown support for the numerous civic and non-profit organizations that serve the people of the Panhandle. The United Way has always been one of the top organizations to receive our combined support and I expect the same thing again for the 2015 campaign. I hope that every Pantexan feels a part of this donation to the United Way and the services provided across the region,” said CNS Vice President and Pantex Site Manager Michelle Reichert.

Pantex treated employees at the United Way to lunch as Reichert presented the check to the United Way’s Executive Director, Katie Noffsker.

“The United Way of Amarillo & Canyon are very grateful for Pantex and all they do in our community. We value our partnership with Pantex and are appreciative of their financial and volunteer support of United Way," Noffsker said.

The donation from CNS will add to the generous pledges by Pantex employees to United Way as part of the 2015 campaign, with the final total to be released in early March.


Consolidated Nuclear Security, LLC (CNS) operates the Pantex Plant, located in Amarillo, Texas, and the Y-12 National Security Complex, located in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, under a single contract for the U.S. National Nuclear Security Administration. Pantex and Y-12 are key facilities in the U.S. Nuclear Security Enterprise, and CNS performs its work with a focus on the performance excellence and the imperatives of safety, security, zero defects and delivery as promised.

For more information on each site, visit or Follow Pantex on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn. Follow Y-12 on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Flickr.


Steve Myers
Public Affairs
Office (806) 477-6032