Pantexan shares experience with COVID-19 vaccine

  • Posted: Wednesday, February 17, 2021, 7:54 am

On February 2, staff of Pantex’s Occupational Health Services began vaccinating high‑risk employees with the Pfizer COVID‑19 vaccine.
On February 2, staff of Pantex’s Occupational Health Services began vaccinating high‑risk employees with the Pfizer COVID‑19 vaccine.

Tessa Pendergraft, Pantex wellness coordinator, received her vaccine last Tuesday and, because of an anxiety of needles, she was nervous going into it.

“They did a great job — I hardly felt it! This is a big deal to me because I get very anxious due to my illnesses as a young child,” she said. “I did have some soreness in my arm, which was to be expected, and a mild to moderate headache later in the day, which could’ve also been attributed to not having my coffee. Both of my symptoms improved or resolved in less than 24 hours.”

Tessa Pendergraft, Pantex wellness coordinator (right), shares her anxiety of needles, as the medical provider reassures her prior to receiving her COVID 19 vaccine.

Tessa Pendergraft, Pantex wellness coordinator (right),
shares her anxiety of needles, as the medical provider
reassures her prior to receiving her COVID 19 vaccine.

Pendergraft also said the setup and flow worked well.

“I know that a lot of people were involved in the planning of this clinic, so I’d like to thank them for making this possible and for keeping us safe during the process.”

Pendergraft said that because of her background in science, she seeks out the research behind recommendations and additional information from credible sources to make the most educated decision she can.

“The evidence was strong enough for me to have confidence in receiving the vaccine,” she said. “I don’t fear for my safety nor that this will have any impact on my ability to bear children in the future. If you have questions or concerns, ask your primary care physician and they can help you make the best choice for you.”
