I am Mission Success: Darin Hudson
Take five minutes to learn about Darin Hudson, security police officer. This article details Hudson’s role at Pantex and reinforces the diverse workplace culture Pantex offers. All views and opinions are the employee’s own and do not necessarily reflect those of Pantex or PXD.
Security Police Officer Darin Hudson has always had history with Pantex. Born and raised in Amarillo, he knew of the old “soap factory” off Highway 60. His tie, however, was more than just basic knowledge of the Texas Panhandle. Hudson’s grandmother worked at the plant back when Pantex served as a munitions facility. Later, his stepfather and cousin took up supervisory positions. Then, in family fashion, Hudson left his warehouse job to join the Pantex ranks. That was almost 40 years ago.
“My grandmother, my cousin, my stepdad…they all talked this place up,” Hudson said. “And I thought, if I’m going to stay in Amarillo, why not work here. I wanted to work here.”
Hudson’s career choice was inspired by his kin and, in the decades since, he’s grateful for how it has provided for his own family. Hudson is also thankful for the close-knit work community that has kept him here all these years.
“Pantex is home away from home,” he remarked. “This place is the best thing around this part of the country. I’m surrounded by a bunch of great people. They come from all over — like California, Kansas, and other places, and it’s cool to see them blend in, to become part of our Pantex family.”
Hudson quickly found his place within Pantex. All these years later, he’s still surprised by not only the diverse, melting pot workforce, but the consistent, unifying goal.
“You have so many people from such varying backgrounds, experiences, and history, but there’s one constant among all of us,” Hudson stated. “We all want the same thing. That’s to help each other out.”
As a security police officer, Hudson’s primary responsibilities are to control and help with the comings and goings of personnel, and responding to various situations. Yet, he boils his duties down to one core word: teamwork.
“We may not see it as teamwork, but I’m nothing without you, without the fire department, without the person who unlocks and opens the doors,” Hudson said. “Nobody is more important than the other. If one person doesn’t do their job, nobody gets anything done. We all must help each other grow. This place is nothing without teamwork.”
How has working at Pantex changed or reinforced your thoughts on our mission (nuclear deterrence, managing the stockpile, etc.)?
We have some of the smartest and best people in the world working out here. They are all pursuing the success of the mission. Every day when I come to work and see their faces, talk with them, I’m reminded how not only they reinforce it, but how we all reinforce it.
What is your favorite aspect about your work environment? How does that aspect make you know the mission is being met?
The people. Just being around them. Getting to know people out here not only reinforces my thoughts about my work environment, but my hope for humanity. Once again, it goes back to having not only the smartest people but the best people carrying out the mission.
What work advice would you offer someone who is new to Pantex?
Listen and learn. There’s a lot of knowledge and expertise around you, and almost everybody is willing to share. You just have to ask. Everybody wants this place to be the best Pantex that it can be.
Also, it’s understandable to be scared, to be intimidated by the atmosphere. Before long, this is going to be home, and it’ll be your family. If not, come find me and I’ll make you family.
Who in your life has inspired you the most and why?
My wife. She and I have been married for 37 years. When I’m at my lowest low, she pulls me from that pit. When I’m at my highest high, she’s my biggest cheerleader. She inspires me every day to be better. She’s the definition of lead by example.