Pantex Blog
Wild Pantex – One of Three
Article by Jim Ray, Pantex Wildlife Biologist/Scientist
The U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration and Pantex eagerly await word on the announcement of the winner of the 2014 Presidential Migratory Bird Federal Stewardship Award. Abstracts for Pantex and the two other national finalists are now posted on the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s web page for the Council for the Conservation of Migratory Birds.
Wouldn't it be something if we won - this the most unlikely place to even be listed for that award! The selection is to be made April 15.
Plant Tradition: Lunchtime card game ongoing for 40 years
Though some of the faces have changed, there’s one thing that hasn’t. If it’s lunchtime at Pantex, there’s a game of Spades taking place. What started as a way to pass the time in the cafeteria during lunch is a ritual for Andy Marshall, Dale Moon, Jimmy Myers and Kevin Brown, whose job it is to bring the cards.
“It’s fun. I see it as a break in the action of the job. Kinda like recess in elementary school,” said Myers, a technical advisor and 33-year Pantex veteran. Eight hands are played each day with scores recorded in a log book. Why Spades? “It’s easy to play and eat at the same time,” said Myers. “Not much strategy involved.”
Two alternate players, Kenny Steward and Mike Brinson, fill in when needed. On call are Barry Hill, Pablo Reyes, Adam Myers and Ron Wilcox.
“People play until they retire, leave or are unable to play,” explained Myers. “We then usually let the first alternate in the game replace the starter.” At times, players leave Pantex to work elsewhere and then return to the Plant, as is the case for Steward and Brinson. “They are waiting for their chance to be the starting pitcher, rather than a bullpen ace,” said Myers.
There’s not much Kevin Brown, program manager and 18-year Pantex veteran, doesn’t like about the lunchtime card game. “The camaraderie and competition, with a little trash talking, allows us a break from the hectic day, even though for just a short period of time,” he said. “It can be a stress reliever.”
Special rules keep the 40-year-old game interesting. One is that no matter how far behind you are, you can win in the last hand. But serious business it isn’t. “We usually remember everyone’s most ignorant play and then keep reminding them about it later,” said Myers.
Among Myers’ favorite memories is the time then-General Manager Denny Ruddy approached the group to ask what they were playing. “We all thought, well, I guess this game has come to an end. But, he was truly interested and began making fun of how Steward was playing his hands.”
CoLOSSIS Key to Nondestructive Stockpile Analysis
Pantex Home to World’s Only Computed Tomography Imaging System for Pit Surveillance
Dana Landrum, Quality Assurance technician, is reflected in the four-sided pyramidal mirror of CoLOSSIS, a computed tomography imaging system unique to Pantex and used to nondestructively determine the integrity of pits.
What does it take to look inside the core of a nuclear weapon? Start with four cryogenically cooled astronomy cameras capable of 8,000 by 8,000-pixel images, one four-sided pyramidal mirror and a burst of photons generated by an X-ray source nearly 100 times more powerful than a medical computed tomography (CAT) scan, and you have the world’s only computed tomography imaging system used to determine integrity of pits – CoLOSSIS.
As many as 1,800 images of each pit are taken over multiple days at Pantex using the Confined Large Optical Scintillator Screen and Imaging System, or CoLOSSIS, to nondestructively determine if they will function as expected. A pit is a component made of plutonium metal and is the heart of a nuclear weapon. The imaging is conducted on surveillance units as designated by the National Laboratories.
Prior to the introduction of CoLOSSIS three years ago, film was used for analysis of pits, which offers only a two-dimensional perspective. But confidence in the nation’s nuclear stockpile required more efficient technology.
The 32,000-pound, lead-shielded CoLOSSIS is operated by highly trained quality assurance technicians whose background stems from the medical or industrial non-destructive evaluation fields.
It takes an average of 15 to 18 hours for CoLOSSIS to work its magic, during which time a component rotates approximately 0.2 degrees for each image until it has rotated 360 degrees to capture an entire data set. During each rotation, the X-ray source known as a linear accelerator, or LINAC, produces photons collected by a scintillator that converts the photons into green light used to create a digital image. Collimators direct the energy, focusing the X-ray beam onto a pyramid-shaped mirror that reflects the light into the cameras, which in turn collect the data.
Data is then transmitted to Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, designer of the system, and Los Alamos National Laboratory. The labs use computer code to reconstruct the analyses by stitching images taken by the four cameras into one. This offers scientists a three-dimensional view inside the nuclear weapon’s core that they can literally “walk through” to detect manufacturing flaws and the effects of aging.
“This system represents a successful collaboration between Pantex and the Design Laboratories, despite the technical challenges that are to be expected of a one-of-a kind system like CoLOSSIS,” said Gerken.
Designs for a second CoLOSSIS system are in the works and equipment is being procured, Gerken said. “Once operational, this system will give us a second line to aid in workflow throughput and could possibly provide capabilities for analysis of different components,” he said.
Pantex Behind the Scenes: Operations and Emergency Services Dispatch Centers
Robert Inglis and Forrest McLaughlin (seated) review incoming information at the Operations Center, the 24-hour base often referred to as the Heart of Pantex.
“May I have your attention please?” The room instantly grows quiet as Pantexan listen to the familiar voices for directions, notifications or warnings. The Operations Center (OC) is what some may call the Heart of Pantex. It is responsible for 24-hour management of operations to ensure the overall safety and efficiency of the Pantex Plant.
Established under the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Occurrence Reporting Program in 1990, the OC strives to provide information to the appropriate publics in a timely manner. The Center began operations in a small conference room with few supplies. The need for more equipment and space quickly became obvious. Soon after, operations moved to the building where they remain today.
With 12 years of experience at the Plant, Matt Eberly recently accepted the position as Emergency Services Group manager, which encompasses both Fire and Emergency Management Departments. “The work is extremely important because both the OC and Emergency Services Dispatch Center (ESDC) programs require prompt, safe and reliable action 24/7 to support Plant operations and our surrounding communities,” said Eberly.
“The ESDC and OC teams are required to operate in an environment where precision and effectiveness are critical. They essentially work in the nerve center of all Plant operations.”
The OC consists of nine employees, each with at least 30 years of experience at the Plant. Eight of them are Plant shift superintendents, while Bill Ornelas is Pantex’s Move Right specialist. The OC is responsible for a number of operations, such as weather notification activities, movement of materials and initiation of protective actions for Plant personnel.
Randy Nuttall, who started in the Maintenance Department, enjoys working in the OC because of the diversity within the job. “Every day is different. You never know what the call is going to bring. And it helps that I work with the best group of people,” said Nuttall.
At the Plant's Emergency Dispatch Center, Dorcas Gaddis and Melodi Parton (seated) monitor fire alarms from the Center's testing console.
Across the hall from the OC is the ESDC. Similar to the OC, it houses nine employees working side-by-side. The ESDC is responsible for testing fire alarms throughout the Plant, assisting surrounding counties with emergency calls and for medical and fire emergencies on Plant site.
When the ESDC first started operations in 2006, Don Rhoades, a Pantex veteran, transferred with over 29 years of experience in security. He said the transition was easy and normal, and he enjoys where he is working now. “I love the job itself. Our main goal is to protect life and property, and when I go home at night, I feel a sense of accomplishment knowing that I helped people that day,” said Rhoades.
His colleagues, Dorcas Gaddis and Steve McWilliams both agree that communication is what makes them successful. McWilliams explained that the job comes with great pride in knowing potential lives are saved each day.
Wild Pantex – Migratory Bird Award Three-Peat
Article by Jim Ray, Pantex Wildlife Biologist/Scientist
Good news has come our way once again! Many thanks to our collaborators, who play a major role. They were included in the nomination and are mentioned in the news release.
Here is the link: Pantex Selected for DOE/NNSA's Single Allotted Nomination for an Award.
Please share!
Photo: West Texas A&M Graduate Student, Robert Dillon, conducting a plot survey for birds in advance of wind energy development. These, and other types of surveys will be repeated following turbine installation for comparison purposes.