Pantex Blog

Pantex FD Chief recognized

Posted: Monday, June 18, 2018 - 08:05

Congratulations to Pantex Fire Chief Mike Brock who has successfully completed the professional designation of chief fire officer.

Manager of Pantex Emergency Services Daniel Gleaves said, “Mike is one of only 1,305 CFOs worldwide. It’s another example of his dedication and professionalism.”

A comprehensive peer review determined Brock met the stringent criteria, which includes demonstrating excellence in his experience, education, professional development, professional contributions, association membership, community involvement, and technical competence.

Pantex Fire Chief Mike Brock

Wild Pantex - Bird of the Day: The Western Kingbird

Posted: Friday, June 15, 2018 - 08:07

Article by James D. Ray, Wildlife Biologist

Although the Texas Panhandle’s winter was fairly mild this year, I was definitely looking forward to spring. As a kid growing up in the northwestern corner of the area, we didn’t have mesquite trees that many south of us believe leaf out only after the threat of the last freeze has passed. The sign of spring that I watched for every year was the arrival of the western kingbird (Tyrannus verticalis). Back then, I called them "yellow-bellies" because the bird has lemon-yellow undersides. The bird is ashy-gray on top, and its tail feathers are black except for the white outer tail feathers that are especially conspicuous in flight. There was no mistaking their arrival; western kingbird’s plumage and shape is not easily confused with other birds in our area, and they are quite noisy when claiming territories and mates. In addition, they have a habit of perching on exposed wires and dead tree branches.

Aptly included in a guild of birds referred to as tyrant flycatchers, the bird is frequently observed aggressively mobbing hawks and other larger birds that it feels are a threat to its eggs and young. This behavior can include physical contact, which is quite effective in keeping aerial predators moving along. Oftentimes, kingbirds from neighboring territories join in on the chase, causing quite a commotion. This can escalate after the chase ends as the residents of the territory remind the other kingbirds that they had better be moving along. As a youth, I would often climb trees and peek in on their nests and thus have experienced firsthand the bold attacks of these birds. I can attest to the normally-hidden red crown of the head that is shown to intruders at the end of their dives. Thus, the specific part of their scientific name, verticalis, which refers to crown.

Western kingbirds are associated with open country and are distributed across the state with the exception of the Piney Woods of East Texas. They are one of the more common birds observed at Pantex and the surrounding region. Occasionally, pairs can be found nesting as close to each other as 12 meters. Western kingbird nests are constructed on shrubs, trees, utility poles, backs of highway signs, buildings, and even parked farm implements. The nest is an open cup made of grass stems, rootlets, and other plant fibers and is lined with softer material like wool, cotton, and feathers. Western kingbirds incubate two to seven eggs at a time and raise one to two broods per year.

In typical flycatcher style, western kingbirds capture their flying insect prey by jumping or flying into the air from a perch and they will also fly out and snatch prey from the ground. The western kingbird spends our winters along the Pacific coast and adjacent interior of southern Mexico and Central America. In recent years, Florida has also hosted a wintering population of this bird.

The early arrivals of this harbinger of spring normally occur during the second half of April in this portion of northwest Texas. Right on cue, the Pantex agronomist spotted a western kingbird at his house during the third weekend of the month. Although certainly a sign of spring, I held off a week or two before becoming busy with spring gardening.

Please feel free to share this link with others that enjoy wildlife or that appreciate entities that take great strides to contribute to wildlife conservation.

Western kingbird
An industrious pair of western kingbirds at Pantex built their nest right on top of spikes intended to prevent rock pigeons from roosting or nesting in that location. Often difficult to see, the kingbird’s red crown shows conspicuously in this photo.
A western kingbird nest on a structure at the Pantex Plant
A western kingbird nest on a structure at the Pantex Plant.

Pantex FD wins Battle of Badges Cook-off

Posted: Wednesday, June 13, 2018 - 14:48

The Pantex Fire Department recently won Best Ribs and People’s Choice Award at the annual Battle of the Badges Barbeque Style Cook-off. While there, the group presented the @100 Club of the Texas Panhandle with a $500 check to help further their mission of supporting area emergency workers. After the event, members of the fire department took all of the leftover barbeque to the men and women fighting the grass fires in Armstrong County.

Battle of Badges Cook-off Winners

Pantex 2018 Armed Forces Day Celebration

Posted: Tuesday, June 12, 2018 - 09:36

Pantex recently held its annual Armed Forces Day celebration to recognize and thank veterans and active military members for their service in support of our country. The ceremony featured presentation of the colors by the Pantex Fire Department Honor Guard, recognition of the POW/MIA table, and a keynote address by Lyle Cary, CNS vice president for Safeguards, Security, and Emergency Services.

2018 Armed Forces Day
2018 Armed Forces Day

Pantex hosts Partners in Excellence Forum

Posted: Monday, June 11, 2018 - 09:29

Pantex hosted a Partners in Excellence Outreach Forum attended by representatives from 61 companies looking to do work with CNS.

Small Business Program Manager Ryan Johnston said, “Pantex must have a broad base of contractors to partner with to ensure mission success. The forum provided local and national contractors the knowledge needed to establish these partnerships.”

Discussion included upcoming opportunities for construction related scopes, an overview of the site, and how to do business with CNS.

Partners in Excellence Outreach Forum
Partners in Excellence Outreach Forum
