Pantex presents check to Step Up to Success
On November 6, nearly 600 middle and high school students from schools around Region 16 Education Service Center came to the bi-annual Step Up to Success conference, hosted by Los Barrios de Amarillo, to learn about various occupations within different career fields. The Pantex booth had representatives from various occupations including protective force, engineering, and project management. Dominic Cortez ran a hands-on engineering workshop where the students had to build structures with marshmallows and pasta materials. Pantex also put on a mock Science Bowl competition for the students to test their knowledge.
Los Barrios de Amarillo focuses on the importance of higher education and ties a mentorship program to its scholarships, giving the chance for the students to continue learning from adults even as they pursue higher education.
At the event, Pantex presented $1,000 to the organization to put toward its scholarship fund.