Pantexans spare time for Big Brother Big Sisters

  • Posted: Tuesday, June 15, 2021, 1:54 pm

CNS Chief Operating Officer Bill Tindal (left) and Pantex Site Manager Todd Ailes give a $10,000 donation to Emily Nance, Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Texas Panhandle.
CNS Chief Operating Officer Bill Tindal (left) and Pantex Site Manager Todd Ailes give a $10,000 donation to Emily Nance, Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Texas Panhandle.

Many Pantexans got out and bowled to help support the Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Texas Panhandle May 1 during the Bowl for Kids’ sake event.

This annual day of bowling is one that participants look forward to every year. Pantexans form teams, come up with creative team names, and spend part of a Saturday bowling for a good cause – one aimed at matching caring adults to children in need.

Pantex has been a main sponsor of Bowl for Kids’ Sake for 18 years, and in March, donated $10,000 to help fund the event and aid BBBS in recruiting and training mentors.

“We couldn’t do any of this without community donors,” Emily Nance, BBBS of the Texas Panhandle executive director, said. “Bowl for Kids’ Sake would not be the most fun event ever without the Pantex crew. So, it means a lot. We don’t charge fees for our services; they are free to volunteers and to parents, so we must raise the money to have professional staff to track the matches and make the matches.”

BBBS has a lasting impact on the children it serves and the mentors who volunteer their time. Pantex has been fortunate to partner with this incredible organization for many years, and the enduring legacy of BBBS is featured in this video.

If you are interested in becoming a Big Brother or Big Sister, contact Emily Nance, Executive Director, Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Texas Panhandle at 806.351.2210