Students visit Pantex through College Pre-hire Program

  • Posted: Sunday, May 22, 2016, 11:00 pm

Twenty-three college students recently visited the Pantex Plant as part of the College Pre‑Hire Program. The site visit helps students learn more about the work performed at the Plant and helps them determine if they are a good fit to be future CNS employees. Successful candidates will receive job offers soon. Students who accept the offer receive tuition reimbursement, relocation expenses and a signing bonus.

The program has brought about 100 young engineers to Pantex over the last eight years, said Courtney Waddell, program coordinator. Waddell, who was hired through the program, said it has a 90-percent retention rate.

College Pre-Hire Participants

Twenty-three college students recently visited the Pantex Plant, as part of the College Pre-Hire Program.