Pantexan demonstrates Phases of Matter at Canyon Library

  • Posted: Tuesday, July 2, 2019, 3:09 pm

Pantexan Bruce Phebus with HE Materials and Testing recently presented a demonstration on the Phases of Matter to children at the Canyon Library.

Bruce talked with the children about how gasses expand and cool, the components of air, and how clouds form.

He performed demonstrations such as balloons in the vacuum chamber, the Franklin cup, and touchable clouds for the children whose average age was around 5 years old.

“I think science demos are important because science shouldn’t be abstract. It should be something people and kids realize is a real job and it explains the world,” Bruce said. “I think science without seeing scientists in person and demos is like watching water polo from the Sahara. Any given kid can’t even imagine the pool let alone someone playing in it.”

He said doing these types of demos makes science relevant for children, and explains the world that children touch and see every day.

“It isn’t just ‘facts’ in a book that are untestable and unverifiable on their own, things they just need to accept,” Bruce said. “The key tenant of science is trust but verify! Learn it all for yourself!”

Pantexan Bruce Phebus with HE Materials and Testing
Pantexan Bruce Phebus with HE Materials and Testing