CNS and Metal Trades Council reach new labor agreement

  • Posted: Saturday, October 3, 2015, 11:00 pm

Consolidated Nuclear Security (CNS) was informed by the Metal Trades Council (MTC) that a new four-year labor agreement has been ratified for work at the Pantex Plant. CNS is appreciative that the negotiations and work stoppage are resolved, and Pantex looks forward to all employees represented by MTC returning to work on October 5, 2015.

Reminders for employees returning to work October 5:

  • Pantex managers and supervisors will be contacting employees represented by the MTC with instructions on where to report.
  • The Pantex Plant is open for normal operations. All personnel are to report for duty according to their regularly assigned schedules.
  • Continue to exercise caution as you approach the Plant and slow down to prevent accidents or injuries.
  • Safety and security remain top priority. All security and medical reporting requirements remain in place. Also, please remember not to bring Personal Electronic Devices into prohibited areas.