CNS Sponsors Thanksgiving Lunch for Senior Center

  • Posted: Monday, December 15, 2014, 11:00 pm

Consolidated Nuclear Security, LLC sponsored a Thanksgiving lunch at Hilltop Senior Citizens Center in Amarillo, Texas.

Allison Roberts cuts cakePantexans and Hilltop staff, along with volunteers from the Potter County Deputy Sheriff Association and Vista College, served the traditional Thanksgiving fare. About 500 Hilltop members, family and community friends enjoyed turkey, ham, cornbread dressing, vegetables and an assortment of cakes and pies. Staff members even delivered meals to about 40 homebound seniors.

This is the sixth year Pantex has sponsored the meal.

Founded in 1974 by a group of African-American seniors, Hilltop Senior Citizens Center offers daily meals and activities to a population diverse in age and race. Many of the center members are on fixed incomes and enjoy coming to the center to play games and attend classes.

Hilltop Senior Citizens Center

Members of Hilltop Senior Citizens Center and community friends enjoy a traditional Thanksgiving lunch provided by Consolidated Nuclear Security, LLC.