I Am Mission Success: Ed D.

  • Posted: Friday, August 18, 2023, 6:38 am

I am Mission Success
Take five minutes to learn about Production Planning & Controls’ Ed D. “I Am Mission Success” profiles share how each employee feels tied to the Pantex and/or Y-12 mission. All views and opinions are the employees’ own and do not necessarily reflect those of CNS.

People are the heart of CNS: Everything that happens at Pantex rests with the mindset, attitudes, and actions of the people who work here. Those committed to personal and professional excellence not only succeed in their own careers—they encourage and inspire others to do so as well.

Longtime Pantexan Ed D. is such a person.

Ed connects problems with solutions in his characteristic calm joviality. He enjoys turning daunting challenges into mutually beneficial resolutions.

“Problem solving, along with a unique ability to work together with dignity and respect are my strengths,” he said. “They are extremely important to me. I strive to bring professionalism, patience, and good communication skills to work every day.”

Ed described finding great fulfillment in making the connections that alleviate potential conflict between individuals or teams.

“Interfacing with many departments and assisting with resolving issues on a daily basis is an accomplishing feeling and provides [me] a duty-oriented satisfaction,” he said.

Nowhere is this trait more on display than during a daily problem-solving, escalation and tracking meeting Ed facilitates. Team after team reports their successes and challenges to their Pantex colleagues. Ed manages the issues, demonstrating a keen instinct for when to remain in the background and let individuals talk through their projects’ needs and when someone might need a gentle word of appreciation.

“Facilitating the [meeting] allows me the opportunity to address, help solve and mitigate challenges on a daily basis,” he said.

Day after day, Ed addresses those challenges head-on and, day after day, he rewards his colleagues’ diligence with the same words of encouragement: “Thank you so much for the privilege of your time, and have a blessed day.”

What advice or encouragement would you give a new employee or someone considering applying for a career here?
“Pantex provides unlimited paths to learn and grow life’s strategies for success.”

In what way are you mission success?
“I strive to be vigilant, cognizant, and responsive to the expectations of the company.”

What would your coworkers be most surprised to learn about you?
“Most coworkers don’t know that I am the organist at the church I attend every Sunday.”

What’s your top bucket list item, and why?
“My bucket list item is to go on a cruise next year.”

What’s your favorite outside-of-work activity, and why?
“My favorite outside activities include working with my church and spending time with my siblings, children, and grandchildren.”