I am mission success: Kimberly H.

  • Posted: Monday, May 13, 2024, 7:26 am

Kimberly H.
Take 5 minutes to learn about Kimberly H. This article details Kimberly’s role at Pantex and reinforces the diverse workplace culture CNS offers. All views and opinions are the employee’s own and do not necessarily reflect those of CNS.

When Kimberly H. started thinking about what she wanted to do with her life, she knew she wanted to be a part of something bigger. For her, this would be the American military, where she could keep growing as a person, as well as providing a way to travel the world. Kimberly, who now works in project management, originally joined the U.S. Navy to become a pilot, but things quickly changed when she started flight school.

“When I got to flight school, I realized I was much better when my feet were on the ground and not in the air,” Kimberly said. “Through that I found a better direction for myself working with the Seabees doing construction management and that has translated into a new role in national defense at Pantex. It’s not exactly the career path I expected, but I am happy it led me to where I am now.”

In addition to learning valuable lessons in flight school, it is also where she met her husband, Joshua. After deciding flying was not her speed, she became a part of the U.S. Navy Civil Engineer Corps, which she has been a part of for 15 years. Kimberly, who holds the rank of lieutenant commander, joined CNS through the SkillBridge program in January 2024, and will soon join the Navy Reserve to keep serving while she also serves through her new role at Pantex.

What top strength do you bring to your organization and why?
There are “big rocks” people who focus on the big picture with creative, strategic, and visionary ideas, and there are “little rocks” people who are detail-oriented and focus on executing individual details precisely. I think of myself as a “medium rocks” person, someone who focuses on how all the pieces and resources fit together for maximum productivity—someone who can bridge the gap between the big picture thinkers and the detailed-oriented planners to help make an idea a reality.

How has working for CNS changed or reinforced your thoughts on our mission (nuclear deterrence, managing the stockpile, etc.)?
Coming from the U.S. Navy, I have spent my career providing engineering, facilities, and construction support to assist our nation’s warfighters and our country’s highest priority missions, and nuclear deterrence has long been one of the Department of Defense’s highest priority missions. But my understanding of nuclear deterrence focused on the nuclear triad, not the vast support network that exists to ensure the effectiveness of the nation’s nuclear deterrent. Coming to Pantex, it has given me greater appreciation for the huge enterprise that exists beyond the military that is essential in the success of that mission and the number of civilians in our nation, such as those at Pantex and Y-12, who play a vital role in ensuring our national and global security.

What is your favorite aspect about your work environment? How does that aspect make you know the mission is being met?
I really enjoy working with people and collaborating. There seems to be a very strong collaborative culture here. When people are willing to come together and talk through problems to get to solutions, that is when you are able to know that the mission is going to be met.

What CNS principle drives you to be successful?
I am an industrial engineer by education, so continuous improvement and figuring out how to do things better is the core of everything we do. How can we improve to be better and more efficient? How can we build a better team through the process? I am always looking for ways to improve our processes, communication, and teamwork through that lens.

What’s your top bucket list item and why?
One of the things I would love to do one day is take a vacation to Greece. I have seen so many pictures of the Greek Island and they look beautiful. My parents also met in Greece, so it would be a fun place to visit!