Supply Chain Management hosts construction contractors

  • Posted: Tuesday, February 26, 2019, 6:43 am

Supply Chain Management hosted a Partners in Excellence workshop at Pantex for construction contractors in specific trades needed to support future work. Representatives from 14 businesses attended the workshop.

Consolidated Nuclear Security employees shared information including opportunities; environment, safety and health; quality assurance; safeguards and security; and information protection to inform the participants on the requirements to perform work at each site. A comprehensive review of the request for proposal process, including terms and conditions and site requirements, was conducted to provide potential new bidders insight into how to submit a compliant proposal.

Cindy Morgan, director of Enterprise Business Management, said these workshops are an important form of outreach to the supply base. "Working with a government contractor and on a government site demands compliance with requirements beyond those seen in typical industrial environments," she said. "It’s vital for us to proactively share that information with the suppliers that can provide goods and services to support our mission."

Supply Chain Management hosts construction contractors