Pantex Blog

Fellows Colloquium, a historic day for CNS

Posted: Tuesday, May 22, 2018 - 08:48

CNS hosted its inaugural Fellows Colloquium March 28 at Y 12, and CNS President and CEO Morgan Smith called it a historic day. The forum was established to highlight CNS’s vital technical work and to honor its first four fellows for their vast technical knowledge and their abilities to mentor others.

“This is our declaration that we are an organization that does work of tremendous scientific and technical significance for our nation, and this work requires the very best. It’s our most senior scientific and technical rank or title and connotes that we are engaged in activities that merit this level of personnel — equal to what occurs elsewhere in high technology industries,” said Smith.

Glenn Pfennigwerth (Uranium Fellow), Alan Moore (Metallurgy), Vincent Lamberti (Y 12 Surveillance), and Lorelei Woods (Pantex Surveillance) were recognized as our strategic advisors and top mentors and were pinned by Smith. With a combined 143 years of experience, these fellows set the bar high. Each fellow presented the state of their area of expertise, and 18 other Pantex and Y 12 technical experts presented posters covering diverse areas of expertise — from explosives and advanced manufacturing to nonproliferation and lithium.

“The colloquium was vitally important to showcase the great technical work we do and to honor the individuals who are leading us into the future,” said Ashley Stowe, CNS Fellows program manager. “The excitement for staff at Pantex and Y 12 encourages me as we move forward and continue to grow an excellent technical staff. This is just the beginning, however; we are already looking forward to hosting the 2019 colloquium at Pantex.”

Fellows Colloquium

Leadership Amarillo visits Pantex

Posted: Tuesday, May 22, 2018 - 08:45

The Leadership Amarillo Class of 2017/2018 recently visited Pantex. After a history overview, the group visited a weapon display and a security bearcat vehicle display. The community leaders also experienced an explosive demonstration at the firing site.

Leadership Amarillo visits Pantex

Celebrating Earth Day every day

Posted: Tuesday, April 17, 2018 - 10:36

There is no Planet B, so Consolidated Nuclear Security, LLC focuses on recycling everything from regular office paper to electronic equipment and scrap metal. In Fiscal Year 2017, employees at Pantex and Y-12 recycled more than 4.6 million pounds of materials, demonstrating their commitment to environmental stewardship.

Celebrating Earth Day every day

Wild Pantex- Unlikely Comrades: Badgers and Coyotes

Posted: Wednesday, March 14, 2018 - 09:35

Article by James D. Ray, Pantex Wildlife Biologist/Scientist

Natural Resources staff at Pantex has spent a lot of time working within the boundaries of colonies of black-tailed prairie dogs. This has included annual mapping of colony boundaries, spotlight surveys for wildlife, standardized surveys of vegetation and birds, and many projects conducted in collaboration with Texas Tech and West Texas A&M Universities.

One of the most interesting observations ever made by Natural Resources staff at Pantex occurred within a prairie dog colony in mid-summer of 2003. Three of us were in the field collecting data that would later be used to estimate the number of prairie dogs occupying the colony. From west to east, I was conducting counts during scans of my assigned area from a pickup truck, while Monty and Mike were scanning from their elevated perches in blinds normally associated with deer hunting. The procedure required several scans spaced throughout the morning and upon finishing and meeting up, Monty and Mike could hardly contain their excitement about a scene that unfolded first in Monty’s area, and then in Mike’s.

While performing their counts, Mike and Monty observed a badger and young coyote traveling and, apparently, hunting together. At first, there was one coyote and one badger, each one leading at times during their walk. The coyote would occasionally give chase to some small quarry and, unable to keep up, the badger would fall behind. However, as they crossed Mike’s area the parade grew to include five juvenile coyotes and then, after being joined by two adults, seven! Occasionally, the badger would stop and dig, and the coyotes would watch intently as to be ready for anything that might escape the badger.

Upon reaching my office, I immediately began conducting a literature search, expecting that these observations might be of interest to the scientific community, and publishable. Much to my surprise this “association” was well published and, in fact, was the basis of Native American legends.

In preparation for this blog some fifteen years later, I found mentions of badger and coyote associations from many areas in Canada, the United States, and Mexico. Some even included trail cam video or still photos. Behaviors observed by Mike and Monty were consistent with the sources, but recorded observations mostly involved one badger and one coyote, sometimes two and, rarely three. Most often the prey involved ground squirrels or prairie dogs.

Even today there remains some question as whether or not this not-so-rare association is mutually beneficial to both the badger and coyote. One study demonstrated that coyotes have chances at one-third more prey when hunting with a badger verses when hunting alone. Prey that escape the badgers’ attempt to dig them out of burrows are pounced upon by the coyotes at a fair level of frequency. Perhaps, also, the badger may obtain additional chances if these escapees manage to survive the coyote’s attempts of capture and are able to slip down a hole. The coyote’s chase and subsequent interest in the hole may alert the badger quickly to where there is potential food, thus negating the badger’s need to spend time and energy searching holes and areas for a meal. Regardless, the two species display a fascinating association with each other.

It is just my luck that from my vantage point I was not able to share in Mike and Monty’s observations that day. But it is good to know that our Wild Pantex can still reveal new things to me, and that our landscape can still host scenes of which history recorded long, long ago.

Please feel free to share this link with others that enjoy wildlife or that appreciate entities that take great strides to contribute to wildlife conservation.

Pantex gets new fire truck

Posted: Tuesday, March 6, 2018 - 13:23

Pantex has a new fire truck that was built customized to input provided by Pantex fire department members.

The new Administrative Support Complex requires that the Pantex Fire Department be able to reach the third floor in the event of a fire, but the current equipment would only reach to the top of a two story building. Knowing that is would be a requirement, the fire department set the gears in motion for a new fire truck with a ladder a little over a year ago.

“We really started thinking outside of the box with this truck,” said Robert Napp, Pantex Fire Captain. “Knowing we needed something that would reach the top floors at the new building, the Fire Chief wanted the most capable piece of equipment we could get that would fit in our station. We started talking about what would be useful for us during rescues — how could we get the most bang for our buck.”

The new truck was built in the United States, but the 102 foot ladder that sits atop the truck was made in Germany by a company that has been in the business of making ladders for fire trucks for more than 100 years.

Pantex gets new fire truck
Pantex gets new fire truck
