I am mission success: Ryan Warren

  • Posted: Thursday, March 11, 2021, 2:30 pm

Take 5 minutes and learn more about CNS’s Ryan Warren, Metal Trades Council Culture Advocate. All views and opinions are the employee’s own and do not necessarily reflect those of CNS,/abbr>.

Ryan Warren, Metal Trades Council Culture Advocate

Ryan Warren worked as an electrician at Pantex for six and a half years until recently being named the new Metal Trades Council (MTC) Culture Advocate. During his time at Pantex, he has also served as MTC Shop Steward and Recording Secretary and on the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local Union 602.

Some of his duties now include reporting significant events and trends identified within the plant to both MTC officers and senior management.

“I want to foster open, honest, and helpful communication in all directions between management, union, and otherwise across organizational boundaries, and more,” Warren said.

Another part of his job is to develop ideas to implement improvements; train new employees on Pantex Safety Culture; and manage, promote, and advocate for positive change in the workplace.

“Some of my goals are to recognize problems and contribute to developing solutions and to promote a respectful, safety conscious, and ever-improving work environment,” he said.

Warren said that while he loved his work as an electrician, he’s excited for his first real desk job in 15 years and to be able to help in this new capacity.

“I’ve always promoted brotherhood through solidarity and teamwork,” he said. “I left a good job for a better one, and I want to help keep it that way, for myself and others.”

Why are you mission success?

I am mission success because I work to build trust by honoring my commitments, not making promises I can’t keep, and staying consistent. As a tradesman, the only thing I have to sell is my integrity. I always strive to do the right thing, regardless of who’s watching. Although I have faltered many times along the way, I do my best to keep these values regardless of the job I’m assigned. Respect is built on guiding, learning, teaching, and leading by example.

Are you doing what you envisioned as a young adult?

Apparently, being a rock star isn’t as easy as Bachman Turner Overdrive would have one believe. Fishing is way easier. I was working as a telemarketer selling ketchup popsicles when a buddy of mine told me he got a job as an electrician. He said he got to bend pipe, spit and cuss, pull wire, and dig ditches all day. That sounded better than what I was doing, so I applied at the IBEW Local Union 602, got in the apprenticeship program, joined the union, and four years later became a journeyman. It was the best career move I have ever made for myself and my family. I jumped on the Pantex train a few years after that.

As an employee, what do you want to be remembered for?

I hope to be remembered as level-headed, disciplined and thoughtful; unafraid to speak my mind, yet open-minded. I want everyone to know that I care about the well-being of all of my coworkers, union and all.

What’s your top bucket list item and why?

I hope to one day see the Parthenon in Greece and the Colosseum in Rome. I want to visit Yokosuka, Japan, where my mom was born, and San Diego, where she was raised. I also want to take my boys to see the Christian heavy-metal band Impending Doom. All equally important to me.

What’s your favorite outside-of-work activity and why?

I’ve been married to my wife for 18 years and have two boys. My favorite thing in the world is doing anything with my lovely family: playing kickball, music, movies, cooking, board games, church, reading comics, wrestling on the trampoline, eating Asian cuisine, watching grass grow, getting beat at Plants vs Zombies; I love it all. Although lock-down and quarantine have been tough for everyone, I’ve been remarkably blessed by the most amazing family, and I cherish all the time we’ve gotten to spend together over the last year. They are my entire world.