Students compete at Pantex Regional Science Bowls

  • Posted: Thursday, March 7, 2019, 11:39 am

More than 200 students from 58 middle school and high school teams across the Texas Panhandle and South Plains gathered together for a competition of the minds in February at Science Bowl 2019.

Set up like a game show complete with buzzers and toss up and bonus questions, this competition saw teams of four students plus an alternate go head to head with competitors at the Pantex Regional Science Bowls held at West Texas A&M University in Canyon. Teams from 13 schools competed in the middle school competition held February 9, and 14 high schools were represented at the high school competition held February 23.

Ascension Academy took home top honors at the middle school competition, and Lubbock High Westerners placed first at the high school competition, each winning $1,000 for their science departments and all expense paid trips to Washington, D.C. and the National Science Bowl competition. This is Lubbock High’s second year in a row to claim the top spot in high school competition.

More than 150 volunteers give of their time two Saturdays each February to make these events a success. Each of the 15 competition rooms are staffed with of a moderator, timekeeper, rules judge, science judge, and runner, in addition to many other volunteers behind the scenes who set up and take down competition rooms, tabulate scores, check in teams, take photos and video, and keep things running smoothly.

Pantex has sponsored the regional competitions for more than 25 years with a goal to provide STEM opportunities for students in the Panhandle and South Plains.

Students compete at Pantex Regional Science Bowls