Pantexans support the 2016 United Way of Amarillo and Canyon Day of Caring

  • Posted: Wednesday, May 11, 2016, 11:00 pm

Teams from a variety of large and small businesses throughout Amarillo, including Consolidated Nuclear Security (CNS), students from Amarillo Independent School District and a few caring individuals gathered to support the 2016 United Way Day of Caring.

United Way Day of Caring

Pantex team members gather at the United Way Day of Caring event. From left: Thomas Hunt, Jared Taylor, Allen Fowler, Francisco Ramirez, Willie Gomez, Sebern Groves, Maurice Austin, Nate Henderson, Johnny Cox, Kyle Owens, Reid Copelin, Bradley Appier, Mark Heckman, Andy Blalock and Vickie Hook.

Fifteen Pantexans dispersed into three teams of five to help the Texas Ramp Project build wheelchair ramps for disabled or elderly individuals throughout Amarillo. A few of the men from the Pantex carpentry shop jumped right in to run the saw, level a board and teach other team members how to perfectly align a hand rail.

United Way Day of Caring

Pantex employees donate labor to help those in need during the United Way Day of Caring.

“It always feels good to help those in need. Doris’s [ramp recipient] face lit up when she saw the finished ramp,” said Thomas Hunt, Pantex Instrument Shop supervisor. “It was fun to build some camaraderie with other employees I don’t encounter on a daily basis at work. I’m glad that we work somewhere that afforded us the opportunity to help out the community.”

After each team completed its build, the teams split into groups of two or three and headed to separate locations where they painted ramps built a few weeks prior.

In total, CNS Pantex was able to help build three ramps and paint five additional ramps to support the missions of the United Way of Amarillo and Canyon’s 2016 Day of Caring and the Texas Ramp Project.