Pantex Blog

I am mission success: Forrest P.

Posted: Thursday, May 4, 2023 - 10:41

Forrest P., a Pantex production technician
Take 5 minutes and learn about CNS's Forrest P., a Pantex production technician. All views and opinions are the employee’s own and do not necessarily reflect those of CNS.

“It doesn’t look right.”

When a Pantex production technician utters words like that, people pay attention. The cost of even a single mistake is simply too high.

“We received some shim stock, and it didn’t look right,” explained Forrest P., who has been a production technician at Pantex for most of his 12-year career. “It was the wrong thickness from what we were normally using.”

Forrest obtained more stock to verify there was, in fact, an issue. When the second batch came in with the same discrepancy between the labeled specification and what he knew from previous experience, Forrest and his coworkers reached out to 35 Account to begin an investigation and, ultimately, correct the problem.

Someone without Forrest’s years of experience might be tempted to dismiss the CNS directive to maintain a questioning attitude, yet such a mindset is truly foundational to the work at Pantex. After more than a decade as a Pantexan, it has become a way of life for Forrest, a small facet of the work that fills him with patriotic pride.

“I’ve always had high patriotism,” he said. “I see the weapons when they’re completed, and I get a satisfaction in doing my job, providing quality.”

Building America’s nuclear deterrent at Pantex was unimaginable for someone who once envisioned himself pursuing a career in real estate and development, but relatives working at the plant presented a positive image in Forrest’s mind.

He was eager to land a Pantex job and get to work. Forrest said success at Pantex hinges on finding the right motivation and bringing diligence to each day’s activities.

“It’s not something for everybody,” he acknowledged. “You’re stuck in a building, and it’s dark. But you’ve got to enjoy what you’re doing.”

And Forrest, who dreams of one day retiring to enjoy life in a log cabin in the mountains, does indeed relish his work.

“I’ve always enjoyed a challenge,” he said, “and this has been a challenge I enjoy.”

Why are you mission success?
What I do is for the protection of the United States — and my family.

What CNS principle drives you to be successful, and why?
Just personal satisfaction, I’m kind of a perfectionist.

What’s your favorite outside of work activity, and why?
I build and restore classic cars. I have a 1936 coupe and a ’55 Chevrolet Nomad.

What is your favorite aspect about your work environment? How does that part of your job or work environment let you know the mission is being met?
Success: When we’re finished and we sew up the unit and everything’s done properly, there’s just a satisfaction.

As an employee, what do you want to be remembered for?
I took pride in what I did and did everything properly.

CNS sites offer gateways to exciting careers

Posted: Thursday, April 20, 2023 - 14:00

Apprenticeships are vital gateways to Pantex careers

Apprenticeships are a gateway to successful Pantex careers. In one program, Pantex works with the AmTech Career Academy to train high school students who can then apply what they will learn at Amarillo College before finally joining the Pantex workforce.

The partnership positions students as future production technicians, according to Zuleyma C., a Pantex recruiter.

“If a student has that program credential, they qualify to test here,” she explained. “From there, it’s really where their talent takes them.”

The partnership is part of a long-term strategy that recognizes the potential promise for both CNS, which gains a better-prepared future workforce, and the students themselves.

“Recruiting and training the next generation for skilled trades positions is beneficial for both the individual and the industry,” said Ricky A., senior manager of mission systems and integration at Pantex sister site Y-12. “Training young people for skilled trades jobs is essential for addressing the skills gap that exists in many industries. Many skilled trades jobs require specialized training and knowledge that is not easily transferable. By recruiting and training the next generation, Y-12 can ensure that we have a skilled workforce that can meet our country’s mission needs, both now and in the future.”

Dave T., a high-explosives manufacturing supervisor at Pantex, appreciates the benefit of workers who bring a higher degree of skill from their first day on the job.

“Since technology is changing on a daily basis,” he explained. “We have a responsibility to stay on top of the job market and bring those fine folks into our family.”

Learn more about Pantex careers at


Pantex Earth Day efforts – maintaining sustainability

Posted: Thursday, April 20, 2023 - 11:53

New retention pond at Pantex
New retention pond at Pantex will hold 8 million gallons of beneficial recycled water to be used for 600 acres of crops at the Texas Tech University Research Farm.

Sustainability is the key word when it comes to CNS's efforts in recycling and being a good environmental steward.

Tracy Griffiths, Pantex’s new Environmental Science senior associate, is working alongside Alicia Barley with Pantex’s Sustainability program to meet some high-level goals on their checklist:

  1. Reaching carbon pollution-free electric by 2030 (currently, Pantex is at 50%)
  2. Initiating the fleet electrification program
  3. Building a net-zero emissions portfolio by 2045, and creating a 50% emissions reduction by 2032
  4. Developing climate-resilient infrastructure and operations
  5. Assisting making our Environmental Management System a business management system to support the achievement of DOE sustainability goals

“To me sustainability is so important because it is an additional way to preserve the Earth for future generations, by slowing down the affects that humans are having on the environment and climate,” said Alicia Barley, Environmental Sustainability Specialist and EMS Coordinator. “It’s easy to think that the small things don’t matter like recycling a water bottle, or reusing that water bottle instead of grabbing a new one but these small acts really do add up especially at a site as big as Pantex.”

Pantex recycled 1,436,775 pounds of materials in 2022.
Pantex recycled 1,436,775 pounds of materials in 2022.

When it comes to Pantex’s recycling efforts, one of the biggest projects focuses on water, actively remediating its underground water. Combined with treated wastewater, water will be sent through a pipeline to the adjacent holding pond, currently under construction.

When completed, the new retention pond will hold 8 million gallons, which equals about 12 Olympic-sized swimming pools. Using a Pivot Irrigation System, about 600 acres of crops will receive the treated wastewater for beneficial reuse on land located east of FM2373 that is owned by DOE. Since the start of remedial efforts at Pantex over the last few decades, more than 1.7 billion gallons of water have been beneficially reused … enough to fill the Dallas Cowboys AT&T Stadium twice.

Since the water reclamation system contains no fish, the indigenous tiger salamander takes advantage of a predator-free environment, laying eggs in the recycled water system. The eggs hatch into larvae known as “water dogs,” and over the next few months, they sprout hind legs, lose their gills, and are able to leave the water. Some, however, become “neotenic”—sexually maturing, but maintaining their larval form. They become enormous, develop teeth, and become cannibalistic, eating salamander larvae, all because of Pantex’s water reclamation efforts and maintaining a delicate balance in the environment.

Adult “neotenic” salamander found at Pantex
Adult “neotenic” salamander found at Pantex.
Adult tiger salamander found at Pantex
Adult tiger salamander found at Pantex.

“It’s an exciting time to be in Sustainability because we are right at the cusp of big things in renewable and clean energy, electric vehicles and greenhouse gas reduction. As a DOE site we get the privilege to be leaders in the sustainability realm and start moving toward a cleaner future,” added Barley.

The layers of the Pantex Sustainability program cascade, linking to just about every program in some way; millions of pounds of refuse that never makes it to a landfill, driving emissions-free vehicles, water recycling that benefits not only crops, but also indigenous wildlife. All due to reaching and sustaining--- sustainability.


Why we buy sustainable products

Posted: Monday, April 17, 2023 - 09:43

Brad Russell, the Sustainable Acquisition Program manager
Brad Russell, the Sustainable Acquisition Program manager, wants employees to know buying green is more than a saying; it is a way of life at Pantex and Y-12.

As a government contractor, Consolidated Nuclear Security is required to abide by government regulations. One requirement is purchasing sustainable products, which provides opportunities for CNS to make positive choices for the environment.

CNS's newest Sustainable Acquisition Program manager, Brad Russell, is one of those experts guiding those purchases. “It is great when CNS and the sites are recognized for the outstanding work they do in achieving sustainability,” Russell said.

According to Russell, when CNS purchases sustainable products, “we’re not only making better choices, but we’re showing CNS's commitment to our environment. Purchasing sustainable products helps to establish a healthier environment for employees because we’re eliminating products that off gas, like cleaning products, flooring, and paint; reducing the amount of hazardous material on site; and reducing atmospheric carbon dioxide that causes climate change.”

It all adds up because the federal government is the single largest consumer in the world. “Federal sustainable purchasing is a big business,” Russell said. “Products range from remanufactured toner cartridges, post-consumer 100% recycled content paper, green electronics, bio-based cleaning products, compostable or biodegradable food containers, and non-toxic construction material.”

GreenBuy Award Winners

Congratulations to Pantex and Y-12 on each receiving a GreenBuy Award for purchasing achievement in FY 2022.

Pantex received the silver level for purchasing six priority products in four categories.

Y-12 received the gold level for purchasing 10 priority products in six categories.

This fiscal year, Russell and his program have set several goals, including increased purchasing of bio-based and recycled content. “In FY23, we want to introduce at least ten new sustainable products, issue a user-friendly quick reference guide that highlights sustainable products readily available, and replace some flooring [at Y-12] with sustainable flooring.”

When looking to buy products, at work or at home, Russell encourages checking out the product description. “Most items have a description that tells you if it is bio-based or made with recycled content,” he said.

The team tracks purchases of sustainable products at Y-12. “We like to know if you liked it, did not like it, and why. This information helps us in recommending products for future users as well as providing feedback to our vendors.”

The data collected on purchases is also used to track how well CNS and its sites do in meeting those government expectations and to show how the program has grown. Both Pantex and Y-12 have received several awards for purchasing sustainable products, with the U.S. Department of Energy GreenBuy Awards being the most recent example. This program recognizes DOE sites for excelling in their “green purchasing” and going above compliance requirements.

“Being recognized by DOE shows they recognize CNS goes beyond the requirements. The Sustainable Acquisition Program is here to make a difference and figure out what purchases can change and be more sustainable,” Russell said. “Submitting award nominations and being recognized for our efforts is really rewarding.”

I am mission success: Tony Biggs

Posted: Thursday, April 13, 2023 - 15:03

Meet Tony Biggs, Pantex Environmental Projects manager, who has more than 30 years of service and has seen a variety of successes during his time as a Pantexan.
Meet Tony Biggs, Pantex Environmental Projects manager, who has more than 30 years of service and has seen a variety of successes during his time as a Pantexan.

Take 5 minutes and learn about CNS’s Tony Biggs, Pantex Environmental Projects manager. All views and opinions are the employee’s own and do not necessarily reflect those of CNS.

It’s not that uncommon to find Pantex coworkers who have multiple decades of service along with low badge numbers. In case you don’t know him, please meet Tony Biggs with 34 years of service, badge in the 9000 range, and the current title of manager of environmental projects — not too shabby for a one‑time unemployed scientist.

“I was an out‑of‑work petroleum geologist when offered the job at Pantex,” recalled Biggs. “However, instead of chasing subsurface oil deposits, I ended up chasing contamination deposits in the soils and groundwater.”

For years as department manager, Biggs has led environmental projects, including finding innovative ways to remediate environmental concerns.

“Our staff oversees environmental construction projects, maintains and operates remediation systems, samples environmental media, and oversees contract laboratories analyzing our samples. All of this work is to address the environmental contamination resulting from legacy wastes of the Cold War era.”

Two of Biggs’ most memorable projects focused on soil cleanup both on‑site and to the southeast of Pantex.

“Back in the mid‑1990s, I managed a project to identify and clean up soil contamination in ditches by collecting the samples with a drilling rig, analyzing the samples within a couple of days using a mobile on‑site lab, determining what soil needed to be removed, and excavating and shipping the contaminated soil for disposal. It was quite a show. The prime subcontractor had talked to a couple of transportation companies, and there was a miscommunication. Both transportation companies thought they had the job and sent dump trucks. There must have been more than 50 parked down 15th Street waiting to go to work. The trucks were lined up from the traffic light and around the bend toward Building 12‑103. That was quite a sight,” recalled Biggs.

The more recent project centered on the cleanup technology known as bioremediation, removing legacy contaminants that had moved offsite to the southeast, transported within the flow of the groundwater.

“We inject locally sourced molasses down 300 feet into the perched groundwater to feed naturally occurring bacteria. As the contaminated groundwater moves through the wall of bacteria, the contaminants are broken down until the groundwater is clean. Back in the mid‑2000s when Pantex was installing the bioremediation wells, this was cutting‑edge technology, and Pantex was on forefront,” he said. “I believe Pantex has the largest bioremediation system of all the sites within the DOE complex.”

But as they say, “all good things,” and after deciding to push back retirement another year, 2023 will be Biggs’s last as a Pantexan.

“My parting advice? Be sure to ‘stop and smell the roses,’” Biggs recommends. “We can get so tied up in meeting schedules, accomplishing work scope, and completing our deliverables that we can fail to see what we have accomplished. We’ve done some cool stuff!”

Why are you mission success? “Managing an incredible group of people that performs the cleanup requirements of Pantex’s state and federal permits and allows the operations at the Plant to continue.”

Describe how your career compares or contrasts to your expectations. “Since college, I knew I didn’t want to be stuck behind a desk 24/7. Early in my career, most of my work was outdoors; now most is indoors, so it’s been a nice mix. I couldn’t have asked for a better job!”

What is the greatest strength you bring to your organization? “I had a supervisor once say, ‘My job is to remove the roadblocks so you can perform your job.’ I think I’m doing that for my staff. They are really talented and get the job done.”

As an employee, how do you want to be remembered? “Being fair to my coworkers and staff; my humor — I enjoy injecting humor into meetings and discussions; and the work my group has accomplished cleaning up the environment.”

What would your coworkers be most surprised to learn about you as you plan for retirement? In the past, I enjoyed making my own beer, and when I retire I plan to do more of that. I also used to make my own biodiesel and drive an old Mercedes to work. For retirement, I’ve got to get a camper so my wife and I can go to the National Parks.
